Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Thoughts about Blogging

It's been quite a while (a long, long time, actually) since I did anything with this blog.  I took sometime to revisit my old posts and I did enjoy reminiscing the stories and experiences that were behind these posts.  Sometimes I wonder what my life was a year, or two... five years ago... My writings may not be as candid as if I was just writing for myself, but they have given me insight on my thoughts during those times.  Looking back gives me a certain kind of delight that I am left here wishing I wrote some more. 

Today, a dark and gloomy day, a day that inspires self-examination and wonder about what life has brought and yet will bring, I sit in my office desk with a mission:  clean out my social media presence, delete my old accounts and simplify my blog.  I succeeded in deleting my YouTube accounts.  I still have some cleaning to do with my other social media (associated with marketing a public blog); today I am starting with going over my blog-drafts and see what treasures I left here unfinished.  Some have to go in the trash, but some others, like this one, are worth keeping... and a nice one to write a new post with.

So... I dabbled on blogging quite a while ago; with that, I dabbled on photography, crochet... a lot of nail arts... Of course, a part of me, a huge part of me, wanted to make money out of all these too, so I also set-up an Etsy shop.  Five sales.  Not bad.

At this moment in my life, I am devoting more time to personal study and Bible reading; which led to discovering a wealth of online Bible reading challenges and fun templates to aid Bible study.   As you may already guess, yes!, I made my own templates too and I am again wondering if I could make a blog that would share all these templates that I have been designing for Bible reading and study.

My! Am I sorely out of touch with the movement of Jehovah's Chariot.  I browsed through the site and realized, there is a wealth of worksheets, workbooks.... Bible Study aids... what have you.  I don't need a blog... In all these things, the common denominator is the joy of keeping a journal. So right now, the conclusion of this matter is - I'll just keep this blog for personal use, as a treasure chest of my delightful souvenirs to look upon and reminisce when I am older.

That's it for now.

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